Cross-cultural Leadership Cohort

Who would benefit from this cohort? 
The Cross-Cultural Leadership Cohort is for anyone who would like to become a more effective leader within a multicultural context. This is an opportunity to refine your leadership skills, explore how God can use your gifts to encourage effectiveness in others, and get some helpful feedback for personal growth.  We focus on some of the critical challenges of leading and working alongside people of other cultures, including communicating, building trust, creating & implementing ministry plans, and staying healthy & resilient.

What is a Learning Cohort? 
A Learning Cohort is a group of 10-20 people who gather to focus on 1 meaningful ministry topic during 2 days of in-person training and 3 months of reflective practice supported by coaching huddles.   

Each cohort is designed to promote practical application that fits your unique ministry context. Training is led by facilitators with expertise in the subject matter, and the huddles are led by skilled coaches who help you identify actions that are meaningful for you and your ministry. Participants commit to do assigned reading in the focus area, participate in the 2- day face-to-face gathering, and participate in a virtual small group huddle (6 meetings over 3 months). 

What is expected? 
1 book: Leading Cross-culturally, by Sherwood Lingenfelter. 
2 days: Our cohort will meet together for two days. We will discuss and practice the key topic areas, and you will leave with some personal goals that you can put into practice in your own ministry. 
3 months: After the two-day gathering, learning huddles will meet virtually once every two weeks (six times).  As you practice the leadership principles which you find most valuable for your own ministry, the huddle provides an opportunity to share & reflect on what you are learning and to refine your goals to become a better team member. 

When and where is the next Cross-cultural Leadership learning cohort? 
We are still planning the next cohort, and you can help us by responding to this survey.  

Go here to learn about the Multicultural Teamwork Cohort.